With your donation you support our engagement for activists who stand up for freedom,
democracy, human rights, equality or climate justice and are therefore in danger.
We stand up for activists at risk, support them in their work on the ground, or work with them to find ways to get to safety.
Through public campaigns, we build pressure on political institutions in Germany to do their share in protecting activists.
We are especially happy about regular donations. Your permanent donation helps us to support activists and organizations reliably, long-term and efficiently.
It is possible to donate directly by bank transfer or conveniently via the FUNDRAISINGBOX tool.
In the donation form you can choose whether we should send you a donation receipt. If you have answered yes to this option, you will receive the donation receipt by e-mail.
donate via bank transfer
Donate now via SEPA transfer:
Account holder: Zivilgesellschaft ohne Grenzen e.V.
IBAN: DE96 4306 0967 1303 6432 00
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
Notice: ZivoG
Please keep in mind that if you donate by bank transfer, we will not have your contact details at first and therefore you will not receive any further notification or confirmation of receipt of the money. However, you are very welcome to send us your contact details by email after your donation.